Hyper Focus, Hyper Efficiency with Routinery and Gemba Kaizen

James Sunheart
4 min readJan 5, 2022
Hyper Focus, Hyper Efficiency with Routinery and Gemba Kaizen

Welcome to this beautiful new day. Its 6:36 AM and I’m excited to be working with a new habit tracking app that makes my routine feel more like a game. It’s called Routinery and its based on behavioral science that really feels intuitive.

SEAMLESS TRANSITIONSIt has the normal habit tracking that most habits have, but what I like about it most is that it swiftly and seamlessly moves from one habit to the next with a timer that’s automatically running for each new habit.

NO FRICTIONThis takes away the stalling or ‘decision’ making around starting a habit and makes it feel like the habits already under way and you just have to get moving!

CONTEXT Additionally it has things like ‘context’ that appear while the timer is running so you can actually think through in advance where and how you’d like to accomplish the habit and rather than have to THINK more about how you’re going to do the thing, you just do it.

FEEDBACK It also makes it easy to add time dated feedback so you can refer back to your habits or notes as you continue to optimize your different rituals.

FROM THINKING TO DOINGUltimately what I think makes it great is it streamlines the process from THINKING to DOING.. just moving through the ritual feels so much more fluid than how I used to do it tracking from a google sheet with multiple clicks and too much thinking, which is where I’d get distracted or stall out.


Here’s another bonus.. I just got done reading a book called GEMBA KAIZEN, which talks about the Five S’s to streamlined production: Sort, Straighten, Sweep, Standardize and Systematize

FIVE S’sSort: Identify any steps that may not be necessaryStraighten: How can they be eliminated or optimized? Sweep: How can the space be tidied up so what needs to be done is clear? Standardize: What can be considered a best practice (and made into a process) Systematize: How can this new standard be reinforced daily / weekly?

SELF DISCIPLINENow granted these kind of systems need SELF DISCIPLINE and it talks about this in the book. How one German factory was bypassed by a Japanese team of buyers because the Managers of one floor were smoking in the Gemba.

BUY IN It talks about how this process needs to be implemented from the CEO and management down. Meaning without buy-in or commitment from leadership it won’t happen. That’s why it must get driven into the culture to be constantly improving with Kaizen and reluctant leadership gets let go of.


It talks about the environment: the Gemba, the place where the systems are maintained and supported and where managers should be more often rather than their offices.

MUDOIt talks about Mudo which is essentially the ‘waste between steps’.. meaning the less steps, the better. Reducing and eliminating anything that’s not necessary to production. It goes so far as to say that any motion that is not adding value is a waste. And any person not adding value is a waste (to the purpose of the organization).

Why am I sharing Gemba Kaizen and Routinery together?

Because what’s interesting is how an app like Routinery could be incorporated into the Standardizing and Systemetizing part of a “Work Routine” and the people that are working through the app would have a gamified , streamlined, powerhouse approach to moving through what needs to be done!

The less thinking a person has to do in order to know what’s next, the more likely they are to do it, with little to no resistance. It’s all about clarity and clarity without distraction. Routinery turns the phone into a streamlined focus machine especially if you already have clarity on the series of steps involved in each routine.

I see utilizing it to both train new staff on what they need to do, with times to improve that will get reduced for each habit as they get more efficient as well as existing staff, to reinforce the discipline needed to carry out key processes day to day.

The only people that may not benefit as much from something like this is those who have a more reactive approach to work, for example someone working in customer service has to wait until someone calls or messages before they know what process to run. So while they can still use step by step processes, they won’t know which one they are implementing until they RECEIVE an input.

So that’s about it for today. I recommend checking out Routinery (not sponsored by them or anything, just excited to implement this new tool and see how it goes.) And I recommend learning more about the Kaizen practice.

